Dear People of Grace, We have reached the half-way point in our annual stewardship campaign, with the hoped-for goal of receiving all the pledges by All Saints’ Sunday on November 5. I wanted to send this note to encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can share in this vital...
As we look toward All Saints’ Sunday on November 6 and our hope to have the bulk of pledges collected by that point, I wanted to send this update to the parish, along with a video reflection on a deeper theme for the campaign. Our focus this year is on...
Dear People of Grace, When I was a child, attending at Egypt Missionary Baptist Church where my family went (ask me about this sometime and I’ll tell you amazing stories), I would often sit next to my grandmother. Grandy had one of those leather Bible covers with the outside zipper...
Our annual stewardship campaign, Faith ♰ Hope ♡ Love, is underway! When making your pledge to the mission and ministry of Grace Church for 2022 we invite you to consider what it looks like to be a part of a Christian community at this moment. How is the Spirit inviting...
When I was a young child, I would sit next to my grandmother in church. We sat on the second pew on "the piano side" of the small country church, and I would look in her Bible case to get peppermint candy during the service--especially when the preacher went on...
As we look toward our "goal" of having pledges returned by All Saints' Sunday, November 3, I was led to make this little reflection. I took a long walk up to the library, returned home, sat down at my grandparents' patio table, and recorded these thoughts. I hope you take...
During this year's annual stewardship campaign, we are exploring the image of vision. What do we see? What are our blind spots? How is our perspective broadened as a spiritual community as we catch glimpses of God's grace among us and within us? To help imagine this reality, I am...
Last month, I went for my annual eye exam with Dr. Tom Rossi. It was his last week in the office before retirement, so I was glad to see him-for many reasons. During my exam, he told me that my vision had slightly improved. Apparently, this can happen with folks...