Family and Friends of Grace Episcopal Church, This week we are kicking off the Annual Campaign of Friends of Music. The campaign will gratefully receive your pledge or donation through Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. Our excitement continues to build as we prepare for our choir residency at Exeter Cathedral...
Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared...
The collect written for the Feast of St. Joseph, found in The Book of Common Prayer, is an interesting one: O God, who from the family of your servant David raised up Joseph to be the guardian of your incarnate Son and the spouse of his virgin mother: Give us...
Grace would like to know of your interest in our parish offering a children’s music ministry program for our families.We have a brief survey below. If you could take a moment to share your thoughts on what that might look like for you we would appreciate it.
The Grace Church Choir has been invited to serve as Choir in Residence at Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exeter, England from August 5-11, 2024. Music Director and Organist Lynn Swanson submitted application in April to the Head of the Liturgy Tom Salmon at Exeter Cathedral. The choir received...
Now that we have returned to in-person worship as well as online possibilities, it is important to remind folks of all the different moving parts on a Sunday and how you (yes, you!) can be more involved. Acolytes Acolytes are essential to a full worship. They assist in a variety...
We are collecting Easter family photos for potential use during our virtual worship service on April 4 and on our social media during the Easter season. The photo should include at least one current Grace Church parishioner but they do not need to have been taken at Grace Church and...
On Palm Sunday we recall Jesus’ return to Jerusalem, and share the moments that took him from the gates of Jerusalem to the cross. This year, we’d like to invite you to help us share that story! We’re asking folks to make a video of one scene each and we’ll...
All Saints' Day has fallen on November 1 in the Catholic and Western Christian tradition for 1,300 years. Interestingly, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is observed the Sunday after Pentecost (when we celebrate Trinity Sunday). It is a major feast of the Christian Church, and this year we have...
Dear People of Grace, I keep being struck by the symbolism of this being 2020, with the constant invitations to reflect on vision and seeing-not just on a superficial level but on the deeper level of our spiritual heart. If 2020 is a year of seeing, then Lent just might...