We believe that children of all ages growing up in the church are formed as much outside the classroom as within it. Helping parents access age-appropriate ways to participate in and reflect on our liturgical life, our sacred stories, our call to Christian service, our charge to share the Good News, and our shared spiritual life is essential to our ministry with children.
As Episcopalians, our liturgy is vital to our identity, and participation in the liturgy is an essential part of children’s formation. Children are always welcome in church, and Children’s Chapel and Sunday Christian Education classes are organized to point toward our communal worship. Additional seasonal celebrations offer occasions for both Christian fellowship and service for children and their families. We take care to mark both the secular and liturgical year with events such as the beginning of the school year back pack blessing, trunk or treat, blessing of the animals, Advent wreath making, a children’s Christmas pageant, Lenten palm cross making, and Vacation Bible School. We also simply enjoy fellowship together with periodic family outings.
If you are new to Grace Church, have a child (older 3yo-5th grade) interested in Christian education, or would like to serve as a teacher or volunteer, please contact Rev. Brandon Nonnemaker!
We ask that all children and youth participating in classes, programs, and events at Grace Church have a registration form on file.
During the academic year, classes meet weekly from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Grace Center. Our lessons are hands-on and encourage children to being exploring what shapes their lives and faith. Sunday classes are on summer break and will resume September 8.
Younger children “wonder” about our Christian identity, the stories of our faith, our community and our worship practices. The Godly Play model encourages this wonder in a Montessori style approach where children are invited to imaginatively enter into Parables, Sacred Stories, Silence, and Liturgical Actions in order to discover the depths of God, themselves, one another, and the world around us. Learn more about Godly Play here or here. Godly Play classes are divided into PreK and Kindergarten and 1st-3rd grade.
older 3s – Kindergarten meet in room 109 of The Grace Center
1st – 3rd grade meets in room 111 of The Grace Center
Our older elementary kids begin to explore the Bible using the Whirl! Lectionary Series. Each week they study a weekly lectionary reading through hands-on activities and engaging videos aimed at facilitating discussion around the Bible and how it applies to their daily lives. The series encourages more active engagement with our corporate worship since the children have studied the day’s readings. Take home materials assist with further discussion at home. Learn more about Whirl! here.
Whirl! meets in room 126 of The Grace Center