No Compline The Compline service will not be held on Tuesday, July 4. Join us for the next service on July 11 at 8:00 PM on Zoom. Parish Office The parish office will be closed for the Independence Day holiday on Tuesday, July 4. Office Email The parish office email...
Groundbreaking on Sunday, July 9 I am excited to share that the Vestry approved the recommendations from the Buildings & Grounds and Finance Committees, and we are moving forward with the Bicentennial Campaign Project! So much work has gone into the details of this project, from the renovations of the...
Ordination to the Priesthood By the grace of God, The Right Reverend Robert Christopher Wright, The Bishop of Atlanta, will ordain Brandon Michael Nonnemaker to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, June 24 at 2:00 PM at The Cathedral of St....
Ash Wednesday We will observe the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday services on February 22 at 12:00 PM in the nave and 7:00 PM in the nave and online. The service will feature music (7:00 PM), prayers, a sermon, the Litany of Penitence, and the Imposition of Ashes. Let...
Pancake Supper The youth of Grace cordially invite all parishioners to the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21 from 6:00 - 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall. The youth and the youth leaders will be cooking, serving, welcoming, and cleaning up afterwards. This annual fundraiser helps support...