A Parish That Welcomes You Easton Davis, the communications person on the bishop’s staff, was at Grace for worship and our parish picnic in May. He worked to gather video and images on that Sunday and has now gifted us with a new introductory welcome video for our parish. I’m...
Kick Off Sunday Join us Sunday, August 14 as we kick off the new program year at Grace! Christian Education classes for children and youth will meet from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. We encourage adults to take the opportunity to visit the ministry fair in the parish hall during that...
Ministry Fair Table Set Up Ministry Fair set up will be Sunday, August 7 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM. If you are not able to set up and decorate your table on August 7, you are welcome to come during parish office hours, Monday, August 8 - Thursday, August 11...
Ministry Fair Planning If you lead a ministry or committee at Grace, please make plans to have a table in the parish hall for the Ministry Fair on Sunday, August 14. Table set up will be August 7 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM. Contact Fr. Stuart for details and to...
Day in the Mountains and Picnic at Vogel Our 2022 Day in the Mountains at Vogel state Park, with a Picnic Lunch and Church in the Wild, is coming up on Saturday, July 30! Contact Jeremy Landers by Sunday, July 24, to sign up. If you’d like to come but...
Spring Ministry Fair: Connect, Grow, Serve Our Spring Parish Ministry Fair is THIS Sunday, May 1! We will dedicate the Christian Education hour, 9:30 - 10:30 AM, as a time to explore some of the various participation and compassion ministry opportunities at Grace. Whether you are new to the parish,...
Easter Day A Festival Holy Eucharist will be held at 9:00 AM and again at 11:00 AM. Both services will feature special music from the choir and instrumentalists and will continue our joyful celebration of the Resurrection of Christ! 9:00 AM Festival Holy Eucharist10:00 AM Breakfast11:00 AM Festival Holy Eucharist@12:15...