Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
nave & online: Facebook/website
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Compline
online: Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday mornings at Grace

Find Us

The Grace Church nave is located at the corner of Washington Street and Boulevard in Gainesville, Georgia.

The parish office, open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, is located at 422 Brenau Avenue. Come to the red door that faces Brenau Avenue and ring the bell for access.

Mailing Address: 422 Brenau Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-536-0126

Driving Directions & Parking

Email Clergy & Staff

2023 Weekly News

Date Posted: April 21, 2023

News April 23-29

Calling All Stories!

The theme for our capital campaign as we approach our 200th birthday is A Future of Grace: Living as a Community of Prayer, Compassion, and Belonging. We want to include, as part of this campaign, an oral history of personal experiences at Grace. This adventure is open to folks who are brand new to the parish or have been here for the past two hundred years.

Beginning in May, Cynthia invites individuals, couples, or whole families to visit with her about your own personal stories, which will be recorded for this bi-centennial project.

She will guide the conversation with some questions, but this is primarily an opportunity for you to tell your story, whether it’s about the first time you came here, why you belong here, what gives you joy here — just about any story will fit into our theme.

If you have a story you’d like to share, please contact Cynthia to schedule a convenient time to tell it.

Easter Just Keeps Coming!

I sat down this morning and thought back on the incredible two weeks we have shared so far with Holy Week and the first full week of Easter. Our lives have been full of wonderful music, rich prayers, intentional practices, and fellowship. I wanted to send my thanks, and the gratitude of the entire parish, to all those who shared their gifts and strengths.

To the Choir and Lynn, for their dedication; to the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, and Brass Guild, for their deep care and attention; to the staff and office volunteers and vestry for the countless details they held and coordinated; to the ushers and safety team who welcomed so many; to the vergers and acolytes, chalice bearers, readers, and sound team who held the prayerful space so beautifully. To those who helped bring food and those who shared laughter and tears. I am so grateful for this community and the ways I see you sharing your gifts with one another, and all for the glory of God.


Updated Summer Calendar for Grace

It is not too early to look ahead a bit at summer plans! This year, given what we have learned about parish life as a whole, as well as knowing about upcoming staff transitions, we are shifting our summer schedule a bit to honor pressure on one hand and increase momentum on the other.

We decided last year to move the Parish Picnic away from May because of the enormous amount of strain our families, teachers, and school administrators feel. Attendance had waned, and we felt it would be more exciting and effective to aim for a back-to-school/fall Parish Picnic. As well, we remember that the Rev. Brandon Nonnemaker and his family will arrive with us in July, so this also gives us an opportunity to focus on an intentional welcoming space for them.

Also, knowing that he will not be here in June when we normally have Vacation Bible school, we consulted the wider Circle of Parents to see what everyone felt might be a way to weave all these connecting pieces into one meaningful point. To that end, we will plan on a Parish Picnic and back-to-school celebration on Sunday, August 6, following the 10:45 service. We will use this time to welcome Brandon and his family as well as give thanks for the parents, students, teachers, and school administrators who are beginning their studies and work. The Rev. Mary Demmler will also be working with the Circle of Parents group to look at other options for summer gatherings, so those conversations are happening. More details will be forthcoming, but we will build on our potluck format and have a great time of fellowship and fun.

Blessings and thanks,

Graduate Recognition

Grace Church typically honors high school and college graduates each spring. Our annual recognition bulletin will be provided as links to a digital slideshow and a printable .pdf document in the May 14 issue of our email newsletter. Graduates will also be recognized during the 10:45 AM service May 14.

If you will graduate (or have a child graduating) this spring/summer, please submit the online information form on or before 9 AM on Monday, May 8. Information submitted after the deadline will not appear in the slideshow or printable bulletin but high school graduates would still be recognized at church.

Special Tour of the Nave This Sunday

For those who may be interested, Jason Voyles will lead a special tour of the nave, our primary worship space in the parish, this Sunday, April 23. You may have wondered what this or that is called, or where that or this came from or how things are used. We’ll gather in the nave at 9:30 AM and stay until the choir needs the space for the rehearsal. Bring your curiosity and your questions, and we’ll see how we can answer!

A Future of Grace: Living as a Community of Prayer, Compassion, and Belonging

Our Bicentennial Campaign has officially (re)launched! The campaign is about BELONGING. It’s about what it looks like to belong within the Grace community – as families, adults, children, youth – through all of our worship, programs, and services. It’s also about the physical presence of Grace as a space that belongs to our community as a whole.

Bicentennial information packets were mailed to every household last week. Additional packets are available at church and you can learn about the campaign goals online as well. With your help, we will position Grace Episcopal Church as a thriving spiritual community as we step into our third century of shared ministry – with prayer, compassion, and belonging.

Save the Date

Look ahead to upcoming opportunities for prayer, worship, and community!

This post highlights events and news of the parish. For full news, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.