Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
nave & online: Facebook/website
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Compline
online: Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday, October 27
ONE service at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday mornings at Grace

Find Us

The Grace Church nave is located at the corner of Washington Street and Boulevard in Gainesville, Georgia.

The parish office, open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, is located at 422 Brenau Avenue. Come to the red door that faces Brenau Avenue and ring the bell for access.

Mailing Address: 422 Brenau Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-536-0126

Driving Directions & Parking

Email Clergy & Staff

Planned Giving

The 1828 Society

The 1828 Society at Grace Episcopal Church has been established by the vestry to recognize and honor parishioners who have provided for the church’s future through planned giving.

Leave a Legacy

Over these two centuries of shared ministry at Grace Episcopal Church, we think back to major moments of transition and challenge, and we see the remarkable generosity of those who were able to envision ways to nurture the parish’s life for years to come. Thank God for those who have a vision for sustainable support and growth!

Planned giving is a vital way to support the ministry of a community, and it invites us to be aware of how our own financial gifts can leave a legacy for the future. We invite you to participate in planned giving by joining The 1828 Society, as we all take our place in celebrating two centuries of shared ministry and prayer—and look ahead to our third century as a Christian community.

Become a Member

The 1828 Society, established in 2024, is  open to anyone who declares they have made provisions for Grace Church in their estate plans. No minimum gift amount is required for membership. Submission of the Legacy Intention Form enrolls you as a member of the 1828 Society.

Legacy Intention Form


If you have questions about planned giving please contact:

Hank Goble, Endowment Chair
The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham, Rector
Reba Page, Parish Administrator

Why should I participate in the Planned Giving ministry at Grace?

  1. Planned Giving allows us to intentionally develop our endowment and funding capacity so that we can foster sustainable ministry at Grace Episcopal Church for years to come.
  2. Our practice of faith calls us to share our resources.

How Grace Benefits from Your Gift

Planned giving is not to be confused with annual giving or a capital campaign for a specific capital expenditure. Rather, planned giving is focused on supporting the ongoing mission of Grace Church through its endowment fund. Over the past decade, our Endowment Committee, Finance Committee, and Vestry have worked to develop an endowment policy that enables anyone to contribute funds of any amount. Those funds are managed well, and each year the committees discern where the Spirit is calling us to share the parish’s gifts, for both community outreach ministries and longer-term strategic development of our campus.

Bequests and other planned gifts moderate the need for capital campaigns and special solicitations while ensuring the continued well-being of Grace. Planned gifts to the Grace Endowment Fund enable Grace to grow its Endowment Fund in order to be ready to respond to future calls of this mission and of its ministries.

Learn more about the different types of gifts, and their potential benefits, below.

Planned Giving Options

An outright gift made to Grace as a specific dollar amount or percentage, as directed in your will or a codicil to your will. A portion or all of the residue of one’s estate can also be left as abequest.

Potential Tax Benefit: Estate tax deduction for the value of your bequest.

Other Benefit: You are able to plan for your own needs and the needs of your family first.

A gift naming Grace as remainder beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) account after your death.

Potential Tax Benefit: There are income tax and possibly estate tax benefits.

Other Benefit: You are able to plan for your own needs and the needs of your family first.

A gift of the paid-up value of a life insurance policy, Grace named as the beneficiary.

Potential Tax Benefit: Current tax deduction in the amount of the insurance policy’s cash surrender value. Possible estate tax savings.

Other Benefit: Works well when there is a policy that is no longer needed and can be gifted.

A gift of real property to Grace that may or may not offer the retained right to residency for life.

Potential Tax Benefit: Immediate income tax deduction for the charitable value of the gift, plus capital gains tax avoidance.

Other Benefit: Enables you to live in your home and receive a charitable deduction.

A contract in which Grace agrees to pay you a fixed income annually, in quarterly installments, for life.

Potential Tax Benefit: Immediate income tax deduction for part of the gift’s value. Capital gains spread out over your life expectancy.

Other Benefit: Gives the beneficiary a fixed income usually at very attractive rates.

Unitrust that pays a variable income to you or those you name and Grace receives the remainder, minimums according to age.

Potential Tax Benefit: Immediate income tax savings, no capital gains tax liability, possible estate tax savings.

Other Benefit: Annual income that can increase as trust value increases.

Annuity trust that pays a fixed income for lifetime; some minimums according to age.

Potential Tax Benefit: Immediate income tax deduction for part of the gift’s value and capital gains spread over lifetime.

Other Benefit: Gives fixed income for life.

Lead Trust; pays fixed income to Grace for a period of years and grantor or heirs receive the remainder.

Potential Tax Benefit: Gift or estate tax savings for amount of payments.

Other Benefit: Pass balance to heirs.

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